Psychonauts 2 trophies
Psychonauts 2 trophies

psychonauts 2 trophies

Psychonauts 2: All Real-World Collectibles Psychonauts 2: All Main Mission Collectibles (Mental World Collectibles) There are four types of collectibles to be collected in the real-world.


There are five types of collectibles to be collected in the mental worlds: Figments, Emotional Baggage, Memory Vaults, Half-A-Minds, and Nuggets of Wisdom. Full list of all 58 Psychonauts 2 (EU) trophies - 50 bronze, 6 silver, 1 gold and 1 platinum. There are a total of 58 Trophies/ Achievements in Psychonauts 2. Psychonauts 2 Release Date May Be Close, Xbox Store Page Went. Rumors, Trophies, Reviews, and More PSN / PlayStation Network Digital-only Games, News, Store Updates, Trophies, Reviews, and More. The Xbox Store page for the game went live and players were able to preload a 27GB file.

psychonauts 2 trophies

There are four types of collectibles to be collected in the real-world hubs: Supply Chests, Supply Chest Keys, PSI Challenge Markers, and PSI Challenge Cards. In the Real-World Hubs, you will get side missions. The Psychonauts 2 release date may be getting close. There are five types of collectibles to be collected in the mental worlds: Figments, Emotional Baggage, Memory Vaults, Half-A-Minds, and Nuggets of Wisdom. In the Real-World Hubs, you will get side missions. You will be traveling to the mental worlds for main missions. The game consists of 13 Mental Worlds and 4 Real-World Hubs.

psychonauts 2 trophies

Raz specializes in taking trips to other people’s minds. In the game, you play as Razputin Aquato (Raz), a trained acrobat and powerful young psychic, who has realized his lifelong dream of joining the international psychic espionage organization known as the Psychonauts. It is a continuation of 2005’s Psychonauts. Psychonauts 2 is a 3D Platformer game released on 25th August 2021.

Psychonauts 2 trophies